Mr. Marc D’Antonio
Grade 6 Homeroom, Religion, & Reading,
Standard Mathematics Grades 5, 6, 7, 8
Summer Math
Summer Reading
For Students Entering 6th Grade
All students must read the following book:
You are also required to read two additional books from this list, and be prepared for assignments in September about your summer readings. Challenge yourself to read as many books as you can!
School Supplies:
composition notebooks (for each subject Gr.6 Religion, Reading, Math)
two-pocket laminated folders (for each subject Gr.6 Homeroom, Religion, Reading, Math)
black or blue pens, red pen or red pencil (for correcting)
no.2 pencils, handheld sharpener, erasers
pencil case (soft pouch)
loose leaf paper
homework assignment pad
book covers (6)
box of colored pencils
dictionary (paper back)
2 boxes of tissues
Grade 8 math - graph paper, scientific calculator
* Note: please check your other teachers' requirements for supplies
General Discipline Policy:
"A spirit of Christ-like charity, respect for authority and mutual cooperation are essential elements of the learning environment at St. Thomas the Apostle School. Students are expected to act with courtesy and respect toward one another and toward all members of the staff. They must take seriously their obligation to develop lifetime habits of self-control and concern for the well-being of others. Home and School will work together to help students to learn and live the qualities of responsible behavior and the elements of good citizenship."
All students must come prepared for learning, with all necessary materials and completed assignments. Please bring to class: textbook, notebook, two-pocket folder, sharpened #2 pencils, black or blue pens, red pen for correcting, and homework pad.
** Parents and Guardians please provide a regular time, quiet place, and assistance for home assignments, so that your child will support the lessons taught in class. Also, check Power School regularly for updates of your child's academic progress. If you should have any questions or concerns, please call for an appointment, use the following email link, or send a note to school with your child.