Our Technology Integration Program at STA includes integration of technology into the curriculum, the use of Smartboards throughout the school, a Computer Lab with twenty four state-of-the-art IMac computers with the most recent software including, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Excel, Kidspiration, KID PIX, and Type To Learn 3. In addition teachers and students regularly utilize, Chrome Books, Lenovo laptops, docu cameras, iPads, led projectors. Our junior high students utilize sophiticated graphing caculators in their Pre-Algebra and Alegbra classes
1:1 Chrome Book Integration/Google Drive Implementation
The individual laptop deployment allows students the ability to enhance and maximize their learning by having state-of-the-art technology at their fingertips. Students are able to perform interactive research, use educational applications to enhance learning, communicate and receive feedback from their teachers in “real time” and much more. The individual laptop deployment is part of our comprehensive technology integration plan, which also includes a technology lab for all grades with 25 Mac Desktops, a smart table for our preschoolers, and increased ChromeBook integration for all students.
Google Drive has allowed for students in grades Pre-K 3 through 8th to digitally work together, submit assignments and receive instant feedback on their work. There is no limit to what can be completed. This year our students in grades 3 & 4 will join our middle school students with Google Accounts to utilize Google Drive and all of its components (Docs, Slides, Classroom, Sheets). Students have been introduced to Zoom Meeting, Google Meet, Seesaw, Readworks, Code.com, etc.
The fruition of these initiatives has placed our school in a leading position in technology integration among the area's best schools. If you are interested in learning and seeing how our students are using the new advanced technology to enhance their educational experiences, please schedule a visit by calling our school office at 973-338-8505 or via email at staoffice@staschoolnj.org.